What are You
Striding for
to help you gain the Freedom to be
Unapologetically Yourself!
"If you want to go fast
go alone,
if you want to go far
go together"
— African Proverb —
Meet Eyerus

Hello Beautiful Soul,
I am Eyerus, and excited to have you here!
A student of life, nature enthusiast (kinda a tree hugger), with a deep passion for God, people, and service.
I am naturally a joyful person. Blessed and highly favoured! That is not to say I haven't had my fair share of struggles. As most do, I have struggled with a lack of purpose and direction at different stages of my life. I know first hand what it feels like to know that you're meant for so much more, but consistently exhaust yourself not knowing where to start.
I have put in a lot of work in many areas of my life to create a life that serves me best. My personal journey to Self-Discovery has been slow and steady. It's an ongoing journey and not an easy one.However, it has changed the trajectory of my life entirely! As a result I am making it my life's mission to help others breakthrough barriers and step into a power of their own.
Gratitude and Laughter are also a big source of my joy. I believe, being afforded the privilege to wake up every morning and get yet another chance at life, is worth celebrating entirely on its own.Throw in a little Laughter and you have the recipe for healing your soul.
Is Coaching for You?
Frustrated and Impatient
About repeating the same patterns over and over again.
You know you are not living your potential and recognize the negative patterns but don't have the tools to overcome them (yet)!
Your inner critic is front and center telling you how
"you are not enough" and you're tired of falling into perfectionist patterns. The need to please others, constantly trying to measure up, beating yourself up for being a failure... it's all getting too much!
Stuck and Lost
You're in an ongoing cycle of change/no change. You want to break the cycle but unclear on where to start or what the next steps are.
You're isolating yourself instead of reaching out for help
Your are not alone!
Book a Free Consultation.
You are Magic,
You Deserve a Magical Life.